I hope this is appropriate to post. I met these really friendly men in the Washington DC no mandates protests. My picture with my sign didn't show up in this video, so many more there. I jumped out of my unplugging from the matrix depression and found new friends and went there. It obviously did nothing, but felt good to be around other like-minded souls, including these 2 artists. I hope you enjoy, check out their other videos all along the same lines. https://youtu.be/Vf_P29EYx6U?si=Ar7cNiP1DYcuu6G4
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Dear brother,
Thank you for taking the time to post. My two cents and "opinion" that comes off of what I'm learning these days in the world of clint is that this is just more distraction. Man, I was duped big time with the whole trucker thing here in the fictional realm of Canadastan, complete bullshit as is "all" the mandate protests around the world. Yes, I get it, it gets lonely and even depressive knowing that you are only one of a very few who actually "gets it" and what I'm finding is that I don't even "get it" as more and more things come to light. I was waving my no mandate sign, driving into the city a couple times a week, helping to feed the other "like minded" and good hearted goys like me and even donating money I needed to feed myself to "hold the line".
I have to admit it was good to be in the presence of others who at least know that something looked and smelled like dog shit and low and behold when it looks like and smells like it, then chances are high that it definitely is! After meeting several people I found that pretty much no one really knew the extent of their slavery and how deep this rabbit hole went? The thought of the rabbit hole being infinite was just too much to bear for pretty much everyone? The under riding sentiment was that someone (the truckers, Drumph, the white hats, Q, etc...) was coming to save them, to save us all or perhaps it was Christ or God himself that was coming or maybe they all were God's little helpers? Anyhow, back to reality, I finally figured out that no one, No One at all was coming or is coming for that matter to save anyone, especially Not God.
One thing they are right about is that this "is" a movie, a fictional scenario, a cartoon, a full feature and full length animation and I'm bugs bunny or more likely Elmer Fudd ... be verwy, verwy careful of that kilwer wabbit ... the "white" rabbit! The One who Created everything in "reality" doesn't have to come, He has already given us the tools and direction to go in if we have the balls to snap out of the hell that we're so comfortable living in. Clint has spent years translating "The Word" for everyone, after six decades for me it is the only translation that makes sense, one I can actually read and understand and apply or at least working towards applying fully in my life. So I no longer find any need to stay "informed" on the latest whatever or donate and attend any protests or get caught up in all the rhetoric on social media because I actually do know the truth .... now I just need to connect with others who know this truth as laid out by Jehovah in the book of Natural Law (Christ).
kind blessings to All