Greetings programs... just a quick strawpoll if you will to get your opinion on how this PMA shoudl continue. I have not finished and have been hesitating on the full agreement for the PMA members, because I want to make sure and do it right as well as making it a trust that benefits all of us. That said, I am considering taking all of the membership fees that you each pay each month and putting the majority into an investment fund, very much like government and pension funds do it. The idea is to have that money in trust with a trustee that will ensure it is spent on something we can all enjoy in the future. It can be called the "monestary fund" or even just the "Land Trust" for the PMA.
In this way, because the whole point of this site is proof of concept, that is, proving that privacy is the path to be on and the trust and PMA models indeed work to that purpose, after so many years of contributing to the fund it will get to the point where it can be used to purchase land or something else beneficial to us all, or to start some other form of private foundation or home school program. It also allows me to remain mostly seperate from the money, not influenced by it, knowing it will go to group cause in the future. If I've done anything wrong with the PMA as well, then the money will be there and unspent, showing good intent and clean hands. Whatever the case may be, please let me know what you think in the comments here. Should I start an investement fund, with the exception of paying the bills for this site and a small stipend for my private expenses? Is there something else you'd like to see done with it to benefit this private association or people? I think we all have a lot more learning to do, and this will no doubt turn into a place to do so, hopefully linking up with some other reputable PMA's and sources of knowledge. Until then, it would be great to have this "fund" when we reach the point were we decide to do something.
Or I could just go to Vegas... LOL!
Thanks for your time, patience, and support, and please comment below with your opinion and any ideas or something you'd like to invest in.
Should I start the Private Underground Investement Fund? For what purpose?
Yes, dedicated for future aquisition of deeded land.
Yes, dedicated as general purpose fund for the Association.
No, go have a good time in Law Vegas!
***Not sure if this works, but it is a poll insert. Try it out and/or leave a comment. -Clint
I'm all for the good of the private cause... just barely holding onto "my" "postage stamp" property...i say daily thanks for. U of all, know it aint mine anyway re extortion fees. For years haven't been smart enuf to figure out how to at least put my place and very old truck in PRIVATE TRUST . IOW; do you remember all the people out there charging fees to put one's valuables in trust for you? I still can't find my way to liquidity. MY POINT; I understand Brandon offers some kind of service along these lines? The exciting point of connecting with THIS/YOUR site for me...discovering ways to protect what i do have. Is this here on the site that i've missed or would U be suggesting going private through Brandon and his schedule of trust option scenarios. At the time I spoke to him ( b4 your site was launched) it came down to him setting something up for me vs a guided assistance I was hoping to create. If you might lend your thoughts?
Re your $25 per year fund accumulation; Honestly...I'm not sure how you live now? That's none of my biz but I don't think you have land now? Thought u were a the rest of us. I think any extra dough you get ..if u can call it "extra"...i trust you'll spend for the sake of your belief spreading the word or continuing to help people through the tough questions CURRENTLY on how IF may protect what they DO have. Fools like myself that have yet to find a way to live and create PRIVATE income on my/their property.
Sorry not to fall into one of your "poll" choices would kind of b # 3 i suppose ....UNLESS it can be PRIVATELY recognized for any autonomy that may provide, land can be the best of investments. I would NOT advocate for ANY Gen Pur fund without enormous due diligence ...I wouldn't think you to trust ANYTHING associated with stocks /bonds. Talk about no control. What's your experience with "retirement funds" ? Asking any "retired" school teacher or state worker (hollywood tech or tradesman) the answers for management of the fund completely out of their hands ...?? It's all digitized, out of state and sometimes country?...takes years for someone like me to "stand under" with any comprehension. For such cleaver people as yourself and Brandon with his experience...Is anywhere near the stock market and it's "safe" funds the best one can do to "save" money with the hope of a "dollop" of interest?
Greetings local community of the real - I was pondering the possiblity of owning using funds for acquiring some land in order to begin / cultivate / harvest ... whichever maybe the case; before we may move the carriage (PMA) through the murky unterrained lands together - perhaps we maybe shooting ourselves in the foot. Should we use these funds to acquire land it maybe a good thing too as it would force more to act and work harder to preserve as opposed to be subjected to the what if's aslong the way. Although I do believe in strategizing and orgaining a flow network which might accomodate the associations per views of administration tasks to help with expediting Q&A's with supplemental facts about Trusts and Agreements - but as such a definitive blue print of structure on functionality not "sustainability" as this can tranlate into liability and prosection of unactioned tasks isn't the Goal here. I hope we can do some planning together or have a conference like zoom preferrebly in non-person form to forge and start growing our Association the rightful honest/transparent way!
Thoughts / Considerations?
GodSpeed to All non-Persons!
Thanks for your opinion. I still need to do more delving into it and how it can be adapted to our locations. Listening to the podcast, I did get a sense of Michael's sincerity and at least well meaning, charitable intentions.
I looked into this idea a bit, and it is legitimate. Something to seek out in the future. I would appriciate it if one of you took on the resonsibility of researching this fully and getting the idea sound for us, finding all the positives and negatives, but also keeping the research primary, not delving into the "alternative" gurus or at least verifying what they say. Great comment. Thanks!
This makes total sense to me.
The profile thing is still denying.
Clint, I am here to learn and share with all of you this calling to live outside of the "world" as the teachings attributed to Jesus say. And I have learned that you are a man of integrity so I trust you and it is above and beyond what I expected from joining your group that I was paying for anything more than your time, efforts and knowledge sharing and the cost of everything involved. If there is any money left over, I would agree to a fund which I am sure Brandon can advise you about. But please, take care of yourself first!
With gratitude,
Greeting's all - just wanted to throw out this question as it appears to me should this fund forge an actual PMA approved affiliation of group or member status become acknowledged - what steps are taken on the member's end to accomplish such a transition or actions must be cued directly e.g. patition of affiliation of some kind? Also, if this is merely nothing more than a verbal agreement; when/WHAT would it be necessary to disembow from personhood or starman becoming non-persons? (I know this is a loaded question; possibly for a different thread) except it came to mine late tonight that should those choose to do so; where should we be acquiring information of truths and or knowledge (printed books) as the digital realm will not recognized none-persons or be unverifiable through 2 stage authentication and beyond (face recognition) in the next 10 years?
Hey Clint,
Absolutely without question go to Vegas brother and do it Now! You'll win big and be back bigger and better than ever before with money to burn to throw in the fire to keep us all warm at night! You don't really strike me as a Vegas type though so probably better to create a monestery fund so we can all get matching robes with rope belts and I'll volunteer as the hair cut guy so we can all sport friar Tuck dews as we chant from the Strawman bible? Failing those great thoughts I think Brandon is more of the expert here when it comes to wealth management so I'm sure he'll have an idea where any extra funds might be best put to work for the future?
kind blessings,
yes clint, i think you have the right idea and intent, or i wouldn't be here...i like the idea of a patented piece of land as well, funds permitting..good water source is important..i'm in kalifornia, the state that has it all..that's why they want it for themselves..appreciate all your hard work..let me know if i can be of sercice, hank
Hi Clint
Your thoughts on how to proceed with this vision in terms of the donations make sense to me, even though my understanding of all of this is incomplete. Your book "Strawman" is helping to remove some of the scales from my eyes, sort of as small cracks appearing that should continue to open wider. Thankyou. I am now at page 500.
I have a question about a deeded title for the land. Would it still be the case that the PMA would not own it as I do not own my property even though I have a deed and it is paid for?
With appreciation, Maureen
Hi Clint I have listened to Brother Gregory with Keys of the Kingdom podcast. I have listened to him for years. He has mentioned on his show that it is possible to start a credit union. He said that it just takes 5,000 people to donate $5 each. I am sure there is more to it and it's not that simple but it might be something to look into. Having our own bank/credit union to help fund all of the things you mentioned would be great. Help fund like-minded concepts. I don't know just an idea.
Also, not sure if you have heard of him but Brother Gregory talks a lot about the sales things you speak of. He has his own network as well. Take a look at his website and let me know your thoughts. It's