What do you think of the assumption by some that lab leaked viruses are nothing but a cover up? Some people claim that lab story is just a cover up in order to sell nonexistent viruses...
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The thing about the "viruses don't exist" theory is that it is a great way to cover up the facts, a controlled opposition that causes people to not even listen to congressionally presented evidence. None of this can be true if viruses don't exist, right?
You need to realize that every "side" is controlled, and those like me that just present evidence and due diligence are silenced instead. It's hard to comprehend, but I was in it and saw it firsthand.
Mike Adams? The Alex Jones Joint Conspiratard Corporation? Really? LOL!
Brighteon - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check
The only reason Alan "Mike" Adams hasn't been banned from Brighteon for disinformation is because he owns it!
You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. And you are certainly on the wrong website if you are listening and taking seriously all these types of sites and scammers that we've debunked and disproven over and over again.
The nicotine supplementation, for instance, was shown to be a lie and the publications disingenuous, with most of the lies and propaganda coming from tobacco companies. The studies were withdrawn or discredited. And of course, it only appeared in the conspiratard "truther" crowd and websites, which is always my first indication it is probably false.
Not sure why anyone would be on my website who pays credence to these ass-clowns.
Other things you should know about this collective corporate enterprise:
Addressing Mike Adams, the Fraud Ranger - Clean Label Project
Dishonest ALAN "Mike" Adams as his own controlled opposition to promote himself, and why the FBI is investigating him:
"Adams alerted readers to this new “collaborators” site, claiming he had nothing at all to do with it, but urging everyone to read it nonetheless... But more interesting is the fact that it’s now clear that Adams was behind the Monsanto Collaborators site. Analyses by the GLP, geneticist Karl Haro von Mogel and most extensively by the website This Week in Pseudo Science have demonstrated that the NaturalNews.com coding signatures–akin to a DNA match–are all over the Monsanto Collaborators site, which was actually registered hours before Adams’ first attack column was published. In sum: Adams has been busted. He published both sites. He’s also launched two other slander and pseudo sites designed to promote himself and his products while trying to hammer critics."
If that's not enough, there's this whistleblower by "HACKERX":
"Robert Willis, the hacker who helped build a massive, US-based disinformation network and was profiled in a recent Ars Technica feature, has decided to name names. In a blog post today, Willis confirmed he worked for Mike Adams, who goes by "the Health Ranger" at the site NaturalNews.com. This matches the documentation previously seen by Ars Technica in the course of reporting the piece.
Willis had joined NaturalNews.com in the run-up to the 2016 US presidential election and helped the site build out a network of anonymized websites that looked independent but secretly promoted the "health" information and pro-Trump political writings of Mike Adams and NaturalNews.com..."
Disinformation guru “Hacker X” names his employer: NaturalNews.com - Ars Technica
How we got here with political and health misinformation: The case of “Hacker X” and Mike Adams
Please don't leave any more comments, and don't pretend you are awake because you listen to this shit from these frauds.
Actually, honestly, this is why I gave up on people. Destruction by willful ignorance! Its proportions are Biblical...
I will delete any other comments you make here that are of this tone or idiocy. You are not welcome here if this is your disposition, so don't treat this as a public bathroom and scribble insults and truther graffiti all over my private wall. That is not what this forum is for. Bad information will not be tolerated.
Take it elsewhere.
And I hope that when you are irreparably mentally retarded by a virus or drug that people show you the respect and courtesy of not saying they don't believe in what harmed you, despite all your painstaking activism and research-- Oh, never mind, you apparently don't do any actual research.
Covid is actually called SARS2, and they admit that they created SARS1 in the first place.
I can only say watch my documentaries on it (Wagging the Dog 1&2). Virus denial is about as reasonable as flat earth belief. As someone that almost died from it, I truly want to slap repeatedly anyone that says it's fake. If you are interested, here is my research into this non-scientific notion of viruses don't exist back when it became popular and money was being made from it. This follows perfectly with the Zetetic movement (Flat Earth Society) and its purpose. We also recently did a show on how most or all pandemics have been manmade viruses and most outbreaks are as well. STOP LISTENING TO ALTERNATIVE MEDIA TOO!!!
Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s Viral Disinformation | REALITY BLOG