I am taking a course called Jurisdictionary, by Dr. Graves, I forget his given name. It is legalese which we sometimes may have to encounter, so I figured I'd learn it. I'm on the part for Pleadings. So you first have to make a complaint. Listening to Cal Washington and KL on Crowe777, they say to not act like a child in the court and plead, but to make a Claim. Being that we are in their world , not Jehovah's when we step in court, would that be listened to? They say the case will be rapidly dismissed and you get your way immediately, or the judge calls a long recess so as not to answer. Supposedly, Cal made a claim against a Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, and that is when she resigned. Big Supposedly! I trust your wisdom the most Clint.
And the other thing, if I would have to swear on the Bible, I wouldn't get anywhere at all in the first place, cause I wouldn't.
Cal makes bold claims without any proof. Just a lot of rhetoric. His "notices" are bullshit and do nothing nor are they legally binding on anyone. Also if you go in his new website, he identifies the business as a 508C1A, which we know by now to be a fraudulent non existing thing. KL shows people to put their BC and SSN in a Trust and claims that is how you control your strawman and other misuses of a trust. That is fraud. Crow is all about KL's process now. These influencers are to be questioned.